Get the most out of your June/July holiday break with our our awesome tennis clinics at the Roy Emerson tennis Centre. Packed with quality tennis coaching and fun filled games, our coaches will ensure everyone has a great time and learns new skills at the same time.

The clinics follow a usual school day starting at 9am and finishing at 3pm. There is a clinic in the first week from Monday 29th June to Thursday 2nd July, then another clinic in the second week of the break from Monday 6th July to Thursday 9th July.  The cost is only $69 per day (or $59 per day for members – membership costs $12).  Feel free to book into one day or book into every day. What are you waiting for, complete the form and return to our office to reserve your place now.

Please click the link below to view the form:

Emerson June/July Clinics 2015