Summer League Final Results

Summer League Final Results

Wow what a competition! It was an exciting 4 weeks of tennis for everyone and we really hope that all of you who played and took part really enjoyed it. It was the first time that the competition has been run here at the R0y Emerson Tennis Centre and it was a huge...
Summer League Final Results

Summer League Week 3 Results

We are nearly at an end with the Summer League competition for 2017! Week 3 results are in and we have had some very close matches causing a large amount of shifting through the leaderboard. We still have our king Victor Vicaro  reigning supreme but Julian Dodos is...
Summer League Final Results

Summer League Week 2 Results

With week 2 of the summer league done and dusted there has been some serious movement across the leader-board. With new players coming along and joining the competition, week 2 saw some upsets, surprises and great matches. The current standings are shown below. Please...
Summer League Final Results

Summer League Week 1 Results

What a first week of Summer League at the Roy Emerson Tennis Centre! Even with the weather threatening to cancel the show, the league was able to be played out by it’s players. With the results calculated and posted below we have Victor and Julian currently...