
Dear Parents and Players,

Welcome to our final TennisGear Hot Shots Newsletter for 2017. What a great year it has been and we hope your child is continuing to enjoy their tennis lessons with us.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new customers who have started tennis with us this term. We trust you are enjoying your tennis and having fun.

Hot Shots Tennis Program (ages 4-12 years)

Our Hot Shots Tennis Program is designed for players learning the game of tennis. Hot Shots tennis is Tennis Australia’s official starter program. It is designed to let children develop technically and tactically in an environment that is always fun and exciting. Aimed at children aged 4-12 years old, it uses modified courts, racquets and balls to keep things fun and easy. The Junior Tennis Coaching Program is based on a “learning through play” philosophy where children serve, rally and score. At Tennis Gear our experienced coaching team run a tailored program designed to develop each child’s game in a fun, encouraging and social environment.


Make Up Days

We offer two make up days per term for all players that may have missed a session due to bad weather. These take place:

· Week 5 Saturday of each term – November 4
· Week 9 Saturday of each term – December 2

Holiday Clinics In 2017

We have our Holiday Tennis Clinics every school holidays! These are a great way for your children to stay active over the school holidays.

Our award winning Holiday Clinics are a great way for your child to make the most of their time on holiday by spending it outside! Come along and join our school holiday clinics with our fabulous coaching team for a mix of fun, technical and physical activities that cater to players of all standards between the ages of 4 & 12 years old.
Why spend the holidays in front of the TV! Get out and enjoy the perfect school holiday activity!

Our clinics run from 9am – 3pm and we have simplified the costs to one simple cost per day and now have online enrolments open for all of our clinics! Save these dates in your calendar for our upcoming December holiday clinics. Further information on how to enrol will be available on our web site soon.

Clinics will run every day from 4 – 22 December


TennisGear Club Championships

Our club championships were held last Sunday 22 October. Due to the rain the previous weekend, only Red and Orange ball events were held with a total of 60 entries. It was a fantastic day out for all our Hot Shot players. Our Green, Yellow ball and Junior Open event will be held on November 12 and if you would still like to enter please contact the pro shop.

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Hot Shots League

Every Friday afternoon we run an additional program to compliment our Hot Shots groups called ‘Hot Shots Match Play’. This is a 90 minute session that prioritises teaching the basics of game play, learning to score, competing and sportsmanship.
If you feel your child is improving quickly and ready to add to their tennis program, please speak to your group coach or call the pro shop who can advise.

For further information and on how to enrol please click here:

Hot Shot Player Packages

One important aspect in helping us develop our players is giving them the opportunity to play more tennis at an affordable cost. For those that are interested in adding to their tennis program, we currently offer two packages to include doing extra squads, a private lesson, a fitness and agility session and for the younger players, the option to play hot shots league. Please see the package options below and for any further information you can speak to your coach or the Pro Shop who can advise you further on which one would be best for your child.


Hot Shots Information Night

We had a great turn out at our free Hotshots match play evening where kids could come and enjoy a taste of what Tennis is all about. It was a great evening with a large number of kids participating. Later in the evening the courts were opened up to all members of the family. It was great to see Mums and Dads out there having a hit themselves!

We had a free sausage sizzle which was a great hit, and our Head Coach John Zelinski spent some time speaking with parents about our Junior program and the pathways on offer for all our Hotshots players as they start their journey to Wimbledon!

It was a great night due to all our wonderful players and their families getting involved. Thank you to everybody who attended and those who helped make the evening a success.

HSL night

New Children’s Fundamentals Program and Ladies Day

All the ladies out there who are eager to get back into tennis but can’t because of child commitments. We have a great new program where you can come and enjoy a 60 minute Ladies social lesson and let your little ‘starts’ learn, laugh and develop their skills in our FUNdemental sports skills lesson.

Children’s FUNdamental Class and Ladies Social

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TennisGear Challenge

Well done to our Emerson and Milton state school players who played in the TennisGear challenge on Sunday. We are very proud of your efforts and bringing the team spirit! Congratulations to the Milton orange ball team who came Runner’s up at the event.