Below is a list of some of our most common questions. If you have a query that is not listed below call our Tennis Pro Shop on 07 3367 8585 and we’ll fill you in.
Tennis Programs
We provide a wide range of tennis coaching programs. Our team of tennis coaches and physical trainers are fully qualified professionals trained to the highest level. All of our coaches are required to attend regular staff training and professional development sessions and we are one of the few coaching businesses that make it an absolute requirement for our coaches to be qualified with Tennis Australia.
What should I bring along?
Comfortable enclosed sports shoes, a hat, water bottle, and racquet. If you do not have a racquet, our coaches and Pro Shop will be able to lend you one temporarily.
How are groups determined?
After initially being enrolled in a class suitable for their age and skill level, students will be assessed by their coach and may be moved to a group that is more appropriate to their standard.
What is the class size ratio?
The tennis class sizes vary depending on the coaching program. It is important for our players to have a similar skill level and age across all of the players within a group. Class size ratios are listed below:
Program | Average Class Size |
Hot Shots Blue Ball (30 min class) | 4 |
Hot Shots Red and Orange Ball (45 min class) | 6 |
Hot Shots Green Ball (60 min class) | 6 |
Yellow Ball (60 min class) | 6 |
Squad Orange, Green and Yellow (90min class) | 6 |
Adult (60min class) | 8 |
Private Lessons | 1 |
Program Length
Our coaching programs run for 40 weeks per year. We do not coach on public holidays or State School holidays. We do coach on student-free days at our centres, but not at the school locations. Please remember, your enrolment and payment authority remains in place until you notify us of your intention to cease. Put simply, if you want to stop lessons we need 14 days notice in writing – complete our online cancellation form and we’ll process it for you.
Are the students assessed?
Yes, our tennis students are assessed against broad criteria set down by Tennis Australia every six months. We try to communicate with parents regularly regarding their children’s progress. Students are progressed using the Tennis Australia endorsed Hot Shots system. The Hot Shots Program and pathway is explained here.
Can parents watch?
Yes, parents are encouraged to watch, however we ask that parents do not enter the court unless requested by the coach.
Payments for lessons are charged fortnightly in advance from your nominated credit card or bank account. You are free to stop lessons at any time by providing 14 days written notice. We do not charge by the term, issue accounts, or accept ad-hoc payments over the counter. All regular coaching and Gameplay programs are charged by Direct Debit and your commitment to the program you enrol in is limited to 14 days.
Joining Fee?
Yes, we require all regular coaching, Hot Shots and Fixture players to pay an annual Membership/Joining Fee. (Cost is $39 on joining and $24 on renewal at the commencement of each year). Membership covers your insurance and affiliation with Tennis Queensland plus other benefits.
When should I start?
Our coaching programs are continuous. They are designed to allow students to commence learning from any point within the year. Our focus is to ensure each student is grouped with players of a similar age and skill level. We use the Tennis Australia endorsed Hotshots program to teach and grade students.
What age can I start?
Players can commence lessons from aged 4. We hold special 30 minute classes “Hot Shots Blue” for players aged between 3 and 5+ years old.
What is “Junior Match Play (JMP)”?
Junior Match Play is a specific coach supervised activity that allows students to practice what they have learned in their lesson. We highly recommend Junior Match Play for all students enrolled in tennis lessons as involvement in this program greatly accelerates skill acquisition and improvement.
Hot Shots Coaching vs. Junior Match Play
” Hot Shot Coaching” refers to the Tennis Australia endorsed system of coaching and grading based on using modified equipment and coloured balls red, orange and green.
“Junior Match Play” is the name given to the fixture program where players are graded based on their ball colour (i.e. orange) and play against other players in a supervised environment. It is not a lesson, but it a great way to practice the skills learned in their lesson.
Wet Weather
What happens if it rains?
We will do everything possible to run our programs as scheduled, however on occasion weather may force us to cancel. Decisions to cancel lessons will generally not be made until immediately prior to the scheduled lesson commencement time.
Who do I call?
You can contact our centre immediately prior to the lesson scheduled commencement time. Please call the Pro Shop on 07 3367 8585.
When is the make-up for the wet weather lesson?
Two wet weather lessons are catered for each term. We offer a scheduled make up day on the Sunday of Week 4,5 and 6 of each term as well as giving students the ability to book into another lesson any day during Week 10. To book into these simply call the Pro Shop. We will also send out an email to register prior to the scheduled makeup day.
Due to our strict class size requirements, we do not offer make-up classes for casual absence or sickness. However if you are absent from class for an extended period of time i.e. more than 2 weeks, please contact us to make alternate arrangements.
School Lessons
Again we do everything in our power to ensure the lesson is held on the scheduled day. At most schools we have an undercover area that we can utilize if the courts are unplayable. Check with you coach to find out the procedure for your school. Lessons lost due to wet weather can be made on the wet weather makeup day at any of our centres. Remember to book your place in these classes. See our yearly calendar at the end of this form for dates.
How are fees charged?
We offer a convenient payment that provides payment of tennis tuition fees fortnightly from your nominated credit card or bank account. You can start your lessons at any time throughout the year and finish at any time; our only requirement is that you provide 14 days written notice of your intention to do so.
Any transaction fees?
No. TennisGear absorbs the transaction fees for you. Our program fees listed in the table on page 4 includes all transaction processing fees.
How do I cancel my enrolment?
You can cancel your enrolment and payment authority at any time by providing 14 days written notice. This notice needs to be given via our online cancellation form, it is not sufficient to tell your coach, call our counter staff or leave a message. The cancellation form is available via our website. Click here
When are payments made?
Payments are charged to your nominated bank account or credit card fortnightly. Further information can be found on the DDR Payment Authority.
Who is Payrix?
We have engaged Payrix to process the credit card and bank account transactions on our behalf. The name IPY-TennisGear will appear on your bank statement or credit card statement as the billing agent for your tennis tuition fees.
What about public holidays?
We do not run our normal tennis coaching lessons on public holidays. If you are enrolled in a class that falls on a public holiday, you will be not be charged for that lesson.
Joining Fee and TQ Membership
It is compulsory that all regular players and students at our centres become a member of our Club. Becoming a member of our Club entitles you to a range of exclusive offers and benefits including automatic membership with Tennis Queensland.
The most important benefit however is insurance. All players must have accident and injury cover if they wish to be is enrolled in our coaching, fixtures, social and tournament programs. Membership provides automatic accident insurance cover.
What are the benefits from Tennis Queensland?
The offers and benefits vary from time to time and are published on our website at www.tennisgear.com.au. They include accident and injury insurance cover, membership with Tennis Queensland, access to our club championships, discounts and benefits such as priority tickets to the Brisbane International.
How much is membership?
Membership is $39 on joining then a renewal fee of $24 per annum and is charged annually on the commencement of each year.
Why do I have to pay this?
Our centres are affiliated with Tennis Queensland. Tennis Queensland is the governing body of our sport and they charge a fee to their affiliates for membership to cover their costs in providing insurance cover, support and administration of our state tennis programs. This cost is passed on to affiliated clubs such as ours and then shared equally across our players.
How do I claim on the insurance policy?
As a member of our Club you are covered for accident and injuries sustained while you are involved in tennis related activities. If you sustain an injury that you wish to obtain compensation for please go to the websites listed below for additional information regarding a claim.
Where can I get more information?
For more information about the policy and inclusions please see http://australia.marsh.com/Programs/Tennis/Home
For information regarding member benefits with Tennis Queensland please see http://www.tennis.com.au/qld/clubs/membership/member-benefits