What a first week of Summer League at the Roy Emerson Tennis Centre! Even with the weather threatening to cancel the show, the league was able to be played out by it’s players. With the results calculated and posted below we have Victor and Julian currently leading the competition on 113 points each. Remember, the competition takes into account games won, games lost, sets won and sets lost. Along with bonus points for these also. So fight for very game!

With new players coming along for round 2, who will be at the top next week? Only time will tell. See you all on Tuesday 10 Jan for round 2!!!!!

Victor Vicaro 113.00
Julian Dodos 113.00
Hau Tan 112.00
Sebastien Vanderhoke 110.00
Mattias Tiwazsen 106.00
Meng Tan 105.00
Sam Schneider 101.00
Bonney Skinner 100.00
Justin Turner 99.00
John Thoman 95.00
David Somerville 94.00
James Stenzel 90.00
Joel Turner 88.00